Chinatown dc gay bars

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Which leaves the Rams, who don’t have a quasi-official bar in D.C., as far as we know. The DC Niners Empire has gathered at Town Tavern since 2010, and though we don’t know if MC Hammer will be in the crowd again, there are game day specials and halftime raffles. The late game features the San Francisco 49ers against the L.A. The Who Dey DC Bengals group relocated to the Ugly Mug last week - follow their Facebook page for updates. Bengals fans have long gathered at the Bottom Line downtown, but building repairs mean that the basement pub is currently closed. Chiefs Kingdom) meet at BlackFinn by Farragut Square, where they’ll watch their team play the Cincinnati Bengals at 3 p.m.

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Three of the four teams in the conference championship games have fan clubs in D.C.: The Kansas City Chiefs (a.k.a. Where to watch the NFL Playoffs: By Sunday night, we’ll know the two teams facing off in Super Bowl 56.

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